Wordplay West Wing Coming Fall 2020

Dear Parents,

With the recent news of Wordplay’s expansion plans, I wanted to take a moment to explain our new project in more detail. To celebrate and pay tribute to Wordplay’s American roots, we are building Wordplay in the image of the White House in Washington, D.C. Just like the White House is the official residence and workplace of the president of the USA, Wordplay is the official residence and workplace of our very own president…”Ms. Huong – CEO”! And Wordplay, like the White House before it, is now expanding to include both an East Wing & a West Wing. Finally, just like the president of the USA conducts his most important business in the West Wing of the White House, Ms. Huong will be conducting all of my business from the new addition at Wordplay, our very own West Wing.

Wordplay West Wing will be under construction for the next two months. We plan on opening the doors of the West Wing in October of this year at which point Wordplay will have:

   – Double the number of classrooms & STEM labs
   – Double the number of libraries
   – And double the fun

We look forward to welcoming you and your friends as Wordplay continues to serve families here in Phu Dien and the greater Hanoi area.

Thank you for joining, and following along.

Wordplay English Language Center.
